Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wow, what a day!

Okay, so Kal woke up still sick this morning. Kal and I stayed home and sat on the couch all day. Adam had a training meeting after church this morning so he and Kamden did not get home until about 5 which time I took off to lead the 8-9 grade small group as a sub as their leaders were unavoidably detained. Well, the preacher's kid managed to not have his ride show up until 45 minutes after group I got hom tonite about 9:15. By that time the boys were in bed and Carolina was in double overtime! Kal stayed still all day long, poor guy. He is very excited to get to go to the doctor in the morning because "I will get better when I see the doctor". He also gets to miss school tomorrow, which he thinks it is kind of neat because he gets to be absent like other kids are sometimes. He loves school but is okay with this one day because he will get to go Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday is their valentine party, I would hate for him to have to miss that! So, Kal is still sick and we are crossing our fingers that the rest of it don't get whatever this is. Wow, what a day!

1 comment:

Anne said...

hahah... i love to hear the things he comes up with to say!