Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Kal was still very sick all day yesterday and he woke up feverish this morning. Naturally, as a concerned mother, I call the doctor. The doctor said without an exact temperature (which I could not take thanks to our "into everything" one year old who broke our thermometer just last week) she could not do anything and she cannot give him any stronger medicine anyway because of his age so he will just have to wait it out. He missed his Valentine's Day party at school today and his first T-ball practice is tomorrow nite. So, planning to go to the store to get a new thermometer when Kamden woke up from his nap, Kal snapped out of it! He still has a little cough but no fever and had some energy! WOO-HOO!

Kamden woke up, we headed to our newly remodeled Kroger (fanciest grocery store I have ever been in...I think I am getting spoiled!) to get a thermometer. Got it...took it...97.0! Can you believe it!?! I took his temp several times...that is a little strange to me! So now I have to call the doctor back and tell her that he has no fever anymore, actually his body temp is really low! He did manage to get a half of PB&J down today for lunch...progress!

So, he will rest today and maybe he will be okay for practice tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news about your oldest little man! I'm glad he's doing better, and I've enjoyed catching up by way of your blog. It's a blessing to be able to work from home, for lots of reasons, but I miss out on family news since we're a bit isolated. I look forward to hearing more. Cyndy