Monday, February 18, 2008

Round 2

I suppose it comes as no surprise but this morning Kamden woke up a bit grumpy and refused to eat his chocolate chip waffle. This kid NEVER passes up food, or anything that can be put in his mouth for that matter. Of course we suspect strep, I grab the thermometer and, of course, he has a temp. I call the doc, get him in. Cultures, as expected, were negative but the doc gave him some med anyway just because of the exposure. She also gave him some new drops for the pink eye. So, both boys are on antibiotics at the moment. Fortunately, it is the same antibiotic for the same condition so we don't have the risk of getting them mixed up!

After one dose of the med he perked right up and he seemed to feel great and got his appetite back. HOORAY!

So, another crazy day at the Colter household, well crazy for us anyway. At least I had the option of grabbing some Starbucks in the grocery store as I waited for the prescriptions to be filled. I did not endulge myself, but I had the option. I had to keep the cart moving with a grumpy sick baby and a 4-year-old who has been confined in the doc office and grocery cart for nearly 2 hours total...(which is unfortunate considering we live less than a mile from the doc and Kroger).

Hopefully next post will be nothing but good and exciting news. Also, to all of you HGTV dream house contest enterers, tomorrow is the last day to enter to win....

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