Monday, February 11, 2008

Bottom Line

The boys and I spent the morning at the doctor's office. They did strep test, negative. They did flu test, negative. Bottom line, he has a fever and a severe cough and cold. That's it. He feels miserable and we are really hoping that the rest of us don't catch this nasty bug. Dr. Cheeks gave him some strong cough medicine and told us to keep the fever reducer inside of him and he should feel better soon. I am unfortunately out of Lysol but plan to get me a nice big can and sanitize the house today. His first T-ball practice is Thursday, Adam has decided to help out. I hope he is feeling better by then so he can enjoy that! He is on the White Sox. It could be worse I suppose. We, of course, were pulling for the Braves, but would have been very happy about the Cubs or Cardinals. Kal is excited about being on the White Sox, that is what is important...bottom line.

1 comment:

Anne said...

if you can, would you be able to record him playing every now and then? if you can't that's ok. white sox... that is so cute! tell him aunt anne hopes he feels better soon!!