So, Kal started taking that extra-strong cough medicine. I had asked the doctor if it caused drowsiness and she said "maybe a little". Kal layed down for his 1:00 nap and I woke him up at 4:30, 5:00, and finally about 5:30 or so I had to walk him down the stairs to get him to the dinner table! He seems to be feeling a little bit better tonight.
On a different note...Kamden. My goodness, he's a trip! He is absolutely in to everything...that he is not supposed to be in! I found him in the dishwasher today. Yes, he opened it up (it apparently was not latched completely) and climbed in. The kid will not play with his toys. He got ahold of my laptop, foot pedal for work, headphones for work, the plug to a space heater, he has recently learned to climb onto the couch and he ran across the couch, back and forth, at least a hundred times with my only having to catch him once or twice! He thought he was big stuff. Every time I got out the camera he would act innocent:

I did take off work today to take care of Kal and keep Kamden away from Kal. It was very nice to play just plain old stay-at-home mom instead of stay-at-home-work-at-home mom. Hmmm....maybe someday.
Well, the boys are in bed and Adam is working on his "writing sample" for his Georgia State Master of Literary Studies application. All of you young folk out there striving for higher education KEEP YOUR UNDERGRAD WORK! Poor Adam did not keep anything...and is having to start from scratch. I know though that his paper will be great...and he will really do well when he goes back to school in the Fall, Lord willing. With all of that said, I am going to indulge in some HGTV and take it easy. Until next time...
Hey Sara...Cathy passed on your address...and Andy and I are looking forward to staying "in touch!"
Sounds like a rough weekend...but obviously the little one is keeping you on your toys! Why are toys so boring! I remember many a day of Seth playing in the dishwasher! Great memories!
Keep blogging...we're checking in!
so i was reading this post to adam the other day and we were both cracking up! those boys are too funny!
good luck to adam! i'm sure he'll do great!
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