Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope everybody got to celebrate the day in the style that pleased you. I got a surprise delivery of roses. Thanks Adam! Kal loved them. He said "More flowers....neat-0!" He's so funny. Speaking of Kal, I got a call from the doctor today...strep cultures came back positive. Monday they were negative. HMMMM... so this morning I loaded up the boys and headed back to my local friendly neighborhood (fancy) Kroger pharmacy to get an antibiotic. I informed the doc that his fever was gone and he was starting to feel better but she wanted the med in him anyway. One dose of that and he perked up completely. No trace of any sickness.

He did get to go to T-ball practice today. He is the youngest one on his team! Adam said he was very cute! (Of course he was!)

Kamden learned a new word today, he can say "baby"...just in time for cousin baby Jack to get here in just a couple of months! Hooray! Speaking of baby Jack, Lisa and I are throwing a baby shower for Anne next weekend...I am sooo excited. I am looking forward to some time with my family and getting to check out the new nursery and help Anne and Adam put some of the last few pieces together before the big day! I am sure Anne will get a lot of great baby "stuff" at her shower.

Well, so long for now.

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