Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Year

I don't mean to brag....but my kids are sooooo adorable. Where do I begin, well, last night Kamden got his first hair cut. Around here we cut the boys' hair with the clippers. We were trying to let Kal's hair grow out but it just could not happen...his hair is just like mine, very thick and coarse. I was afraid if we let it grow much longer one of his friends may ask him why his hair looks like a mop...

Anyway, Kal got his hair cut and then Kamden, for the first time. I am not sure why but first haircuts always look very choppy. He is very handsome with his new do though. His hair was getting pretty and I would hate to have him mistaken for a girl!
For entertainment down here in the south, we have "Hee Haw" (just as country as the old show). About 200 people gathered tonight at the church for a full blown southern dinner complete with all the fixin's (including collared greens). "Yetti" - Kal's name for Big Eddie - was the MC tonight on his 6th birthday (yes, leap year baby---Happy Birthday!). Great job tonite Yetti...we especially enjoyed your performance with "The Devil Went Down To Georgia"! Kal and Adam did a segment and sang complete with their guitars and everything. They did "Dreams" by Andrew Peterson. The song is wonderful all in itself but to see my hubby and oldest son up their singing. IT WAS PRECIOUS! I tried to get pictures but my camera could not get a good picture, my flash was messed up! We did get some great video though. I will be sure to post the video once we get it off the camera and onto the computer!
I went consigning today with my sister-in-law. It was a lot of fun! I came home with all sorts of great treasures. The boys did not need much but I got them some play clothes, shoes, baseball pants, and even a bicycle helmet. Thanks Kelly for going shopping with me! It was nice to get out some this morning.
Well, that's all for tonite...enjoy your weekend.

Monday, February 25, 2008


So, Adam started feeling really bad again tonight and begged for something to help him sleep. I immediately head out to our friendly neighborhood Kroger to get him some NyQuil. As I am walking into the store there are signs posted that their credit/debit machines are out of order, cash and check only. Anyone who knows me well knows that I do not ever carry cash, or the checkbook....but I had been traveling over the weekend and I had some cash on me...$2.69.

Before turning around and heading to my nearest ATM, I decide to see what is on sale. Gotta love the Kroger plus card... I found some generic NyQuil on sale for $2.31 (or something like that). I grab it, scan my KP card, and the total: $2.69...EXACTLY what I had in my wallet. Nice.

Hardened Chunks of Mud

What a beautiful day it was today! It was sunny, warm, with a light breeze. Adam was home sick today and I ran out of work for an hour or so and we got to sit out on our new deck for a while. It was very nice.

Later, before dinner, I spent some time outside with the boys. Kal loved throwing large hardened chunks of mud into the woods, while Kamden ate similar pieces of large hardened chunks of mud.

I tried and tried to get a cute picture of the boys together, who knew it would be so hard!!! It was fun to try though...the camera is just not the most exciting thing to look at I suppose:

Anyway, it was a nice day all in all. It was nice to spend time with Adam home with us on a Monday, even though he is not feeling well. He went to the doctor and all tests came guessed it...negative! The doctor did give him a numbing medication for his throat but that is that. I hope he feels better tomorrow! Speaking of tomorrow, maybe I'll get some baby shower pictures posted by then. Until then...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Baby Shower

It's been a while, I know. To update, Kamden remained sick until Thursday evening or so, we never heard back from the doctor though so he is still on his antibiotic.

I left early Friday morning and caught a plane up to the cold and snow for Anne's baby shower that Lisa and I put together. Thanks mom for picking me up at the airport with our last minute change! The shower went well, Anne enjoyed herself so that was nice. She got a lot of great baby "stuff". I was impressed as most of the things she got were actually practical and she got very few duplicates! I think she is pretty much set, just waiting for the big day to arrive! It was so nice to see everyone, family family, church family, and friends of the family. I just love families!

Speaking of family, when I arrived back home this afternoon Kal said to me "It's nice to be a family again". HE'S SO CUTE! The trip back was smooth and easy. Thanks Adam and Anne for getting me to the airport this morning....and thanks (my) Adam and the boys for picking me up...the timing was great! (My) Adam called me this morning though informing me that he was starting to feel "strep", here we go, week #3!

Well, it is getting kinda late. I will post some pictures from the shower when I get them organized. I've gotta go tuck my "sickie" in, so good night.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Spoke too soon...

So, Kamden was feeling better last night but he had a fever off-and-on today. He really did not feel well at all, poor thing. But, even so, he is just so darn cute!

Speaking of cute, our boys were "watching the man build the deck" today and I captured the sweetest picture:
Aren't they just precious?!
Well, we should get the strep cultures back tomorrow, maybe it's not strep and it's just a bad case of getting his last two teeth! We'll see!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Round 2

I suppose it comes as no surprise but this morning Kamden woke up a bit grumpy and refused to eat his chocolate chip waffle. This kid NEVER passes up food, or anything that can be put in his mouth for that matter. Of course we suspect strep, I grab the thermometer and, of course, he has a temp. I call the doc, get him in. Cultures, as expected, were negative but the doc gave him some med anyway just because of the exposure. She also gave him some new drops for the pink eye. So, both boys are on antibiotics at the moment. Fortunately, it is the same antibiotic for the same condition so we don't have the risk of getting them mixed up!

After one dose of the med he perked right up and he seemed to feel great and got his appetite back. HOORAY!

So, another crazy day at the Colter household, well crazy for us anyway. At least I had the option of grabbing some Starbucks in the grocery store as I waited for the prescriptions to be filled. I did not endulge myself, but I had the option. I had to keep the cart moving with a grumpy sick baby and a 4-year-old who has been confined in the doc office and grocery cart for nearly 2 hours total...(which is unfortunate considering we live less than a mile from the doc and Kroger).

Hopefully next post will be nothing but good and exciting news. Also, to all of you HGTV dream house contest enterers, tomorrow is the last day to enter to win....

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Pink eye and oreos

Wow, what a ride. Kal is better and lovin' life. He's so cute. He did tell me that the "wind blew me off the swing" today at church. Apparently he fell of the swing and landed directly on his face. He is a little beat up but he is okay. Kamden, on the other hand, came down with pink eye just last night. We're putting drops in his eye so hopefully in the next day or two he will be okay.

We had the opportunity to attend a wedding/reception for a girl who used to be in the youth group. She was a beautiful bride. Congratulations Amanda and Chris!

Tonight, we braved the nasty storms and got to watch a couple of girls (identical twins) baptized by their father tonight. It was wonderful. Kal loves to watch baptisms. I am not sure how much he understands but he was very excited about the whole thing. Congratulations Annika and Teegan!

Kal is out of school this week and Adam does not have to teach either. They are moving toward year-round school around here so they have a "winter break" this week. We will be preparing for Kal's 4th birthday party. He wants a spiderman party. That will be fun. We only have a couple of weeks to get it planned!

Speaking of planning a party, I went and got some decor for Anne's baby shower. It is going to be precious, I can't wait!

Well, not much else to say but I will leave you with a picture: Pink eye and oreos (100 calorie pack oreos)...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope everybody got to celebrate the day in the style that pleased you. I got a surprise delivery of roses. Thanks Adam! Kal loved them. He said "More flowers....neat-0!" He's so funny. Speaking of Kal, I got a call from the doctor today...strep cultures came back positive. Monday they were negative. HMMMM... so this morning I loaded up the boys and headed back to my local friendly neighborhood (fancy) Kroger pharmacy to get an antibiotic. I informed the doc that his fever was gone and he was starting to feel better but she wanted the med in him anyway. One dose of that and he perked up completely. No trace of any sickness.

He did get to go to T-ball practice today. He is the youngest one on his team! Adam said he was very cute! (Of course he was!)

Kamden learned a new word today, he can say "baby"...just in time for cousin baby Jack to get here in just a couple of months! Hooray! Speaking of baby Jack, Lisa and I are throwing a baby shower for Anne next weekend...I am sooo excited. I am looking forward to some time with my family and getting to check out the new nursery and help Anne and Adam put some of the last few pieces together before the big day! I am sure Anne will get a lot of great baby "stuff" at her shower.

Well, so long for now.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Kal was still very sick all day yesterday and he woke up feverish this morning. Naturally, as a concerned mother, I call the doctor. The doctor said without an exact temperature (which I could not take thanks to our "into everything" one year old who broke our thermometer just last week) she could not do anything and she cannot give him any stronger medicine anyway because of his age so he will just have to wait it out. He missed his Valentine's Day party at school today and his first T-ball practice is tomorrow nite. So, planning to go to the store to get a new thermometer when Kamden woke up from his nap, Kal snapped out of it! He still has a little cough but no fever and had some energy! WOO-HOO!

Kamden woke up, we headed to our newly remodeled Kroger (fanciest grocery store I have ever been in...I think I am getting spoiled!) to get a thermometer. Got it...took it...97.0! Can you believe it!?! I took his temp several times...that is a little strange to me! So now I have to call the doctor back and tell her that he has no fever anymore, actually his body temp is really low! He did manage to get a half of PB&J down today for lunch...progress!

So, he will rest today and maybe he will be okay for practice tomorrow!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Just a little drowsy...

So, Kal started taking that extra-strong cough medicine. I had asked the doctor if it caused drowsiness and she said "maybe a little". Kal layed down for his 1:00 nap and I woke him up at 4:30, 5:00, and finally about 5:30 or so I had to walk him down the stairs to get him to the dinner table! He seems to be feeling a little bit better tonight.

On a different note...Kamden. My goodness, he's a trip! He is absolutely in to everything...that he is not supposed to be in! I found him in the dishwasher today. Yes, he opened it up (it apparently was not latched completely) and climbed in. The kid will not play with his toys. He got ahold of my laptop, foot pedal for work, headphones for work, the plug to a space heater, he has recently learned to climb onto the couch and he ran across the couch, back and forth, at least a hundred times with my only having to catch him once or twice! He thought he was big stuff. Every time I got out the camera he would act innocent:

I did take off work today to take care of Kal and keep Kamden away from Kal. It was very nice to play just plain old stay-at-home mom instead of stay-at-home-work-at-home mom. Hmmm....maybe someday.
Well, the boys are in bed and Adam is working on his "writing sample" for his Georgia State Master of Literary Studies application. All of you young folk out there striving for higher education KEEP YOUR UNDERGRAD WORK! Poor Adam did not keep anything...and is having to start from scratch. I know though that his paper will be great...and he will really do well when he goes back to school in the Fall, Lord willing. With all of that said, I am going to indulge in some HGTV and take it easy. Until next time...

Bottom Line

The boys and I spent the morning at the doctor's office. They did strep test, negative. They did flu test, negative. Bottom line, he has a fever and a severe cough and cold. That's it. He feels miserable and we are really hoping that the rest of us don't catch this nasty bug. Dr. Cheeks gave him some strong cough medicine and told us to keep the fever reducer inside of him and he should feel better soon. I am unfortunately out of Lysol but plan to get me a nice big can and sanitize the house today. His first T-ball practice is Thursday, Adam has decided to help out. I hope he is feeling better by then so he can enjoy that! He is on the White Sox. It could be worse I suppose. We, of course, were pulling for the Braves, but would have been very happy about the Cubs or Cardinals. Kal is excited about being on the White Sox, that is what is important...bottom line.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wow, what a day!

Okay, so Kal woke up still sick this morning. Kal and I stayed home and sat on the couch all day. Adam had a training meeting after church this morning so he and Kamden did not get home until about 5 which time I took off to lead the 8-9 grade small group as a sub as their leaders were unavoidably detained. Well, the preacher's kid managed to not have his ride show up until 45 minutes after group I got hom tonite about 9:15. By that time the boys were in bed and Carolina was in double overtime! Kal stayed still all day long, poor guy. He is very excited to get to go to the doctor in the morning because "I will get better when I see the doctor". He also gets to miss school tomorrow, which he thinks it is kind of neat because he gets to be absent like other kids are sometimes. He loves school but is okay with this one day because he will get to go Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday is their valentine party, I would hate for him to have to miss that! So, Kal is still sick and we are crossing our fingers that the rest of it don't get whatever this is. Wow, what a day!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Here we go!

Okay, on the first day of this blog I was wondering what I was going to have to say. Usually, our days are relatively uneventful. Today, though, was different. It was an absolutely beautiful day today, warm, breezy, and sunny! We took a family drive and checked out Serenbe, a beautiful planned community within the new city of Chattahoochee Hill Country (Yes, that is the name of the city...or town...). Kal thought it was very "cool". We came home and put up our ADT sign, yes, new security system... Anyway, Adam and the boys went hiking in the woods while I went to the gym for my hour of "me time". I love our YMCA. It is all media-ized. Personal TVs with each piece of cardio equipment and computerized weight lifting machines with personal work outs built in and customized to each person. Anyway, back on track, Kal woke up this morning with a "frog in his throat" and by bed time tonite he was really feeling sick. So, we have a sick one right now. That is very unusual for us, we are never sick. Well, we'll see how this goes. I hope he feels better in the morning. So, here we go!

Okay, let's try this....

Welcome! We'll try to keep this blog, since our friends are so far away, to share the exciting (or not so exciting) happenings here with this branch of the Colter family.