So, here comes the real story...I grabbed a sweatshirt for Kal to wear over his T-shirt for school. Kamden went to the closet (that they share) and was reaching up...he apparently wanted his too (they match). So, I comply, and he is then wearing his orange baseball sweatshirt too. Then I proceed to Kal's drawer to get his jeans. As Kal is putting them on, Kamden is also digging in that drawer and grabs a pair of Kal's shorts. He proceeds to put them on his head. I thought he was just trying to be funny but when I help, he got very upset because I just put them on top, he wanted the shorts ON. So, I put them on (correctly) over his sweatpants. He was very happy. I think he wanted to be just like Kal today AND he decided that layering was the best way to go today as well!

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