Yesterday was Kal's 4th birthday! I cannot believe how fast time has gone by. It seems just like yesterday that he was born! He is so big. He was very excited all day! He got tons of phone calls and cards. We got him a web shooter (spiderman) and a new T-ball glove. He got a "twisty" straw out of the birthday box at school and they sang to him at snack time. He got to go to Chick-Fil-A for lunch and play in the play place with his dad and brother. I was really looking forward to lunch with him as well but, wouldn't you know it, I got sick. I could not move at all and could hardly get up from the couch. It was miserable! I wanted so bad to play with his new toys with him and enjoy a nice lunch out, but I was asleep on the couch as much as I could be. Bummer. I am feeling some better today. I did get up off the couch and did a little bit of work, but still slept quite a bit.
Kal is having a party on Saturday. All of his cousins and the boys from his class at school will be here. It is, of course, a Spiderman theme. It will be fun. I will be sure to post some pictures of the party on Saturday's blog.
For now I will leave you with these pictures: Kal's birthday breakfast and Kamden: victim of web shooter!

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