Thursday, March 27, 2008


Good friends of ours are in town visiting from St. Louis. It has been nice to have them around, catch up, and play matchmaker...but we have run into a small problem. Morgan, Chris and Nicole's 11-month-old daughter was very excited to meet Kamden, Kamden likewise. They played and played and enjoyed each other's company. After school, Kal got to meet little Morgan. She could not keep her eyes off of him and he wanted nothing more than to play with her! SO CUTE! So, the dilemma, both of my boys are "in love" with the same girl! It is all very funny!

I will catch up and post more from our visit later, but for now, here are a few pictures to highlight the situation.

1 comment:

Anne said...

way too adorable! ya know, it will be interesting if that ever does happen for real when they are older.... hahaha - love it!!