Well, the week was great! Our visit with the VandeLinde family...and the Beckhams. It was nice to be around some old friends again. The kids had fun too!
The week was also great because Anne called on Thursday and she is going to be induced on Thursday (April 3)! Woo-Hoo! So, we are preparing to head up north to see baby Jack late next week. I am very excited about a new nephew!
Kal and Kamden have been very cute together lately, they really are starting to enjoy playing together. I could just watch them play all day!
The Braves had their first home pre-season game tonight. It was very nice to watch baseball again. Kal and I made some popcorn and watched the game together. As a side note though, Katie managed to get some GREAT tickets for tonight, but I could not go because I had to work and I picked up a sinus infection/chest cold and feel kinda yucky! It would have been nice to go though. Thanks Katie for asking me to go!
Well, it's late and I'm needing to catch up on some sleep. Until next time...
Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Good friends of ours are in town visiting from St. Louis. It has been nice to have them around, catch up, and play matchmaker...but we have run into a small problem. Morgan, Chris and Nicole's 11-month-old daughter was very excited to meet Kamden, Kamden likewise. They played and played and enjoyed each other's company. After school, Kal got to meet little Morgan. She could not keep her eyes off of him and he wanted nothing more than to play with her! SO CUTE! So, the dilemma, both of my boys are "in love" with the same girl! It is all very funny!
I will catch up and post more from our visit later, but for now, here are a few pictures to highlight the situation.

Monday, March 24, 2008
I cannot believe I forgot to mention this yesterday...but I had a date with Kal. Adam insisted...thanks Adam! It was a very special time. Kal and I went to the theater and watched "Horton Hears A Who!" We have read the book several times (including right before we went to the movie). Kal LOVED it! It was a good movie, but I think I enjoyed watching Kal watch the movie just as much as I enjoyed watching the movie itself! He was too cute...and it got even better: Adam also insisted that Kal take me to Starbucks after the movie. So, we left the movie and headed to Starbucks. We went in and Kal says, and I quote, "Hold on mom, I got it..." and he pulled a ten dollar bill out of his pocket! He ordered our drinks for us and paid for it...all by himself. He wanted a "strawberry drink" (strawberries and creme blended fruit drink) and he ordered me a "tall skinny vaniwa watte" (vanilla latte...we are working on those "L's"). He knows I get the same thing every time. IT WAS SOOOOO ADORABLE! And thanks again Adam for setting that up! My boys are just too sweet!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
He Is Risen... He Is Risen Indeed!
Happy Easter! What a beautiful day! I hope everybody enjoyed their Easter. At church this morning we were reminded that because of the death, burial, and resurrection the best is yet to come....kind-of like dessert after a nice Easter lunch!
We were also motivated with a clip of Steve Harvey introducing Jesus. It was very cool!
The boys were cute as usual...dressed alike...as usual!

Friday, March 21, 2008
Wow, what a week! It has been quite busy around here, but nice. My dad and his twin brother drove down to visit and to do some yard work. (Thanks guys!) They drove all day Wednesday through the storms. Dad said it rained (hard) from Indiana all of the way down. But, the rest of the week paid off for them as the weather here was very nice! They finally got the construction fence pulled out and they got some of the smaller trees cleared away. The boys really enjoyed the company. I think they get bored with just me and Adam.

Adam is into March Madness as usual. His brackets are doing really well. As I type, he is about 20 for 24 (or something like that, it changes seemingly every minute). He is having a good time with it. It is also fun for him to compete with his sister. The phone has been ringing off the hook! Either he calls Kelly or she calls him with every win/loss!
Kamden has had a fever off-and-on for the past few days, mostly just at night or when he first wakes up in the morning. He seems to fine during the day though. I think he is just fighting his last tooth coming in.
Kal got stung by a bee at T-ball practice Thursday night. Poor guy. It landed right on his collar bone and stung him when he started fighting it off. But, he's a trooper. He went right back out on the field and continued practice! At least we know now that he is not allergic!
I must say though, today was a very good Good Friday. The weather was nice, the pace was [relatively] slow, and it was nice to have family around.
Here are some picture highlights from the week:
Grandpa and the boys playing outside:

Uncle Milt and Kamden:

Kamden and his new toys:
He's a natural!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Egg Hunt
This morning after church we had a very nice lunch then an egg hunt for the kids. They separate them into age groups then send them out to their own special sections to hunt eggs. So, there is not much hunting as they are really not hidden just laying all over the church lawn. They boys had a blast. Kamden even got into it! It was very nice to have cousins Kadyn and Jesse around too! Here are some pictures to highlight the event:

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Picnic In The Park
It was such a beautiful day today! Sunny, warm...the works! Adam came home around lunch time and packed us a picnic. We went to the park to eat and play. PB&J + 1 year old + picnic blanket = MESS! Wow, I have never seen a kid so covered in his lunch before. It was fun! We ran in to several friends and Kal got to throw some sticks in the water (one of his favorite things to do!) Here are a couple of pics of our time at the park today.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Chasing After The Wind
As some of you know I have been leading a Bible study (part of a large group meeting in smaller groups in homes) on Ecclesiastes. Honestly, it has been a bit of a drag. We spent several weeks talking about how so many things in our lives are meaningless: work, entertainment, et cetera. Bottom line...meaningless....meaningless...meaningless... Tonight in our wrap up, the truth came out. Without God, life itself is meaningless. Once priorities are straight: Fear God and keep His commandments, the other "chasings" become small pleasures. So, take time to stop and enjoy a cup of coffee, spend time with your family (even when work is hanging over your head or there are dirty dishes in the sink), go see a movie, endulge in your favorite dessert, et cetera.
Sometimes I need that reminder in trying to juggle life and all of it's craziness!
Speaking of craziness...my boys are just that...crazy! They have literally been bouncing off the walls! Kal aka Spiderman scales the walls in all of his superhero business (I litterally found him hanging from the mantle!); and Kamden who is finding great pleasure going from ottoman to couch and back, occasionally missing his step. They are so cute.

Until next time...
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Did I mention...
It snowed yesterday morning! I could not believe it. Friday was so warm and humid but then Saturday morning...flurries. It did not stick or anything but WOW. Crazy Georgia weather!
It was nice again today though and they are calling for 70s this week. This morning at church we had a guy speak to us from Papua, New Guinea...a native. His English was pretty bad but his point got across for sure. He was talking about how he came to America for the first time in August 2007. He took the 4 hour walk to the main road to catch a truck to ride to the airport to catch a plane to the US...but did not have a ticket yet. He had never even seen a seatbelt and did not know what to do with it airplane so you can imagine his shock when he got to the USA. He is here for the opportunity to be educated in order to go back to his country and help train his people to spread the Gospel throughout. It was very sweet and motivating! His ambitions to go WAY outside of his comfort zone to fufill his calling. What struck me is how we take so much for granted here. We sit in our nice big well-lit building on comfy seats every Sunday only after we drive our nice cars and stop at Starbucks, then afterward head to our favorite place for Sunday lunch and go home for a nap, then do it again the next week. Sometimes it feels so shallow. I need to answer the question what more can I do? Just a little food for thought.
I had some time to play with the boys outside, they were adorable as usual. What a blessing! But at end the day, there is nothing like being beat by a 4-year-old in Hi-Ho The Cherry-O! It's the little things in life!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Today was Kal's birthday party. He had all of the boys from his class at school and the whole "Colter clan" over. It was nice. It was very Spiderman! Spiderman decor, Spiderman cupcakes, Spiderman games, Spiderman shirts, and at the end...Spiderman himself (pictured later)!
He had a really great time. I think his friends and cousins did too! Here are some highlights:

Well, I am very tired and have a couple hours of work to do, so until next time...
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Happy Birthday Kal Justus!
Yesterday was Kal's 4th birthday! I cannot believe how fast time has gone by. It seems just like yesterday that he was born! He is so big. He was very excited all day! He got tons of phone calls and cards. We got him a web shooter (spiderman) and a new T-ball glove. He got a "twisty" straw out of the birthday box at school and they sang to him at snack time. He got to go to Chick-Fil-A for lunch and play in the play place with his dad and brother. I was really looking forward to lunch with him as well but, wouldn't you know it, I got sick. I could not move at all and could hardly get up from the couch. It was miserable! I wanted so bad to play with his new toys with him and enjoy a nice lunch out, but I was asleep on the couch as much as I could be. Bummer. I am feeling some better today. I did get up off the couch and did a little bit of work, but still slept quite a bit.

Kal is having a party on Saturday. All of his cousins and the boys from his class at school will be here. It is, of course, a Spiderman theme. It will be fun. I will be sure to post some pictures of the party on Saturday's blog.
For now I will leave you with these pictures: Kal's birthday breakfast and Kamden: victim of web shooter!

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