Later that evening, Lisa and Andy came to help unpack some. Lisa helped me with the kitchen. It was a quick visit but nice...and helpful! As they were leaving our first overnight guest arrived. Brandon happened to be in the area and so he came by and stayed. He went the next morning with Adam to the office to get unpacked.
Adam was welcomed that morning in the office with all of the staff members in there waiting for him. They began his ministry there with prayer! Cool!
It did not take us very long to get unpacked but since the previous owner of our home was a smoker...and was quite advanced in smelled like...well...stale smoke and old folk. So, we have been busy painting and painting and painting. Now, I will say that I am very thankful to those who came to clean...I cannot imagine what it smelled like before. But, thanks also to KILZ we have a home that is quite nice. We have painted nearly every wall, we just have 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a hallway left. That is quite an accomplishment! We are settling in and making it home.
We are adjusting to the colder climate here. I actually had to go out and buy the boys winter coats...Adam is stocked in his hats to keep his head warm...and we have lots of HOT CHOCOLATE!

We have lots of space for the boys to play. They have a fabulous (flat) back yard with a full privacy fence, a sunroom, a play room, all in addition to the rest of the house. Adam has a library that he has to share with my office. It is nice.
So for our Thanksgiving holiday, Janet (Ganjee) came up for a while to visit and went up to my parents for our family gathering. It was nice to have her around. The trip to my parents was nice. It was good to see everybody. I got to see Anne, Adam, and was nice to see them; Andy and Lisa where around too (along with baby "peanut")!!! Mom and Dad were happy to see the kids and have their own kids all under one roof. I think they enjoyed having Janet there too! We then went out to Uncle Mike and Aunt Jodi's for dinner. ABSOLUTELY everybody made it this year. Kal and I counted 28! It was nice. We got to relax while we were there...aaaaahhhhh.

We came back home on Saturday only took about 5 hours! WOW! We enjoyed a little more time with Janet, showing her around town and such. Then, Monday, back to the routine.
Speaking of routine, Kal started school only 2 days after we got here. I was going to wait until the following week but he was READY. He started and he loves it and has not looked back! The boys really like their new church too. I am very relieved. They handled everything...all of the new...very, very well!
So, now we are in the process of decorating for Christmas. It is fun but challenging to decorate a new space for Christmas when it is not even decorated yet period. But it is still a very nice time. Kamden has found a favorite decoration. He's soooo cute!

Well, there is the last month in a nutshell. Please forgive me if I have left anything out...but I think I got it all. I will do better keeping this updated (for those of you...and there is more than one...who have been anxious for an update).
I would like everyone to check out Adam's new blog at !
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