It seems like everyone now days is very busy. Everyone. Very rarely do I hear "I'm bored." Even my boys don't have time to get bored. If they have nothing to do, they cherish the down time.
I find if I have a few minutes uncluttered I try to figure out how to clutter it. Should I get on the computer? Watch me some HGTV? Read a book? Go work out? Call my mom? Why can't I just sit in silence?
"Life" has been going on all around us...the contractor, the plumber, meetings, losing parents, friends diagnosed with cancer, report cards, play dates, Bible studies, earthquakes, freezing temps, conferences, visits, engagements, announcements of first pregnancies and, death, healing, hurting, happiness, and joy all wrapped up in this thing called life.
I have been overwhelmed with so much lately. Why? Because I tend to stress about things. I am so jealous of those who take it just one day at a time and not stress out. UGH. Listen to me... "Overwhelmed, jealous." YIKES.
"In this world you will have troubles, but I bring you My peace." "In this world you will have troubles, but I bring you My peace." "In this world you will have troubles, but I bring you My peace."
Peace. Ahhhh. Thank GOD!
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